Realized projects

New jackets for nuns

Christmas collection 2019

Shoes and sweaters for two monasteries in Bhutan

Thanks to the generosity of many friends the Christmas collection 2019 collected 1’400 Chf which were sent at the beginning of January 2020 in Bhutan to our friend, Khenpo Tenzin Thinley, who bought 34 shoes for the monks of the Pagar monastry (near Thimphu) and 36 jackets for the nuns of the Pema Choling Nunnery (in the Bumthang region).

Nuns in retreat in a cold region of Bhutan

One thousand francs were invested to help 36 nuns from the Pema Choling Nunnery women’s monastery in the Bumthang region, which is home to about one hundred. The 36 nuns in early 2020 were engaged in an advanced course, a meditation retreat in a remote, very cold area. They were camped in tents. Many of them were not equipped as Khenpo Tenzin T. explained to us after discussions with the responsible of the women’s monastery. Each sweater cost 27.50 Chf.

Many nuns come from peasant families, very poor. Some are orphans. At the monastery they receive food and education, but for notebooks, clothes they have to make do.